Three Sticky notes with Copilot + Viva Goals on them.
By | Published On: 21 March 2024 |

Imagine having an assistant that makes setting and achieving your work goals easier than ever. That’s what you get with Microsoft Copilot in Viva Goals.

It’s like having your very own personal PA that turns your big ideas into clear plans, pulls in goals from documents or presentations you already have, and gets you started fast. Plus, it keeps an eye on how things are going, summarises your progress, and spots any hiccups before they become big problems. Let’s dive into how Copilot makes reaching your goals simpler and smarter.


How does Viva Goals work?

You maybe wondering what is Viva Goals? It is a simple, visual way to align your organisation’s strategic priorities with individual teams. Viva Goals brings your company’s mission and vision to life. Aligning the goals of individual teams with your organisation’s strategic priorities. It will help employees see how their work impacts the business on a real level, allowing them to focus and make better decisions that get the right results.


What is Copilot?

Copilot is a smart AI tool integrated into Microsoft 365 apps such as Word, PowerPoint, Viva Goals, and Bing. It’s designed to help people create content, edit, and automate their work more easily. When someone types a request into one of these apps, Copilot makes the request clearer and more specific through a process called ‘grounding.’ This means it can give answers that are exactly right and useful for what the person needs to do. By doing this, Copilot goes beyond what usual help tools do, making tasks quicker and more straightforward to complete.


Capabilities of Copilot within Viva Goals

Copilot in Viva Goals streamlines and enhances the goal setting and management process. Here’s how:

  • Strategy documents are scoured by Copilot to fabricate high-calibre goals.
  • Copilot can conjure potential objectives from prompts provided by users.
  • Summarisation of objectives for an individual or team is seamlessly managed by Copilot.
  • Familiarising with methodologies like OKR (Objectives and Key Results) and SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) speeds up the start of goal programmes.
  • Accurately manage the creation of additional goals, key results, or metrics from a required goal title.

Creation, Summary, and Comprehension of Goals

To understand more about Microsoft Copilot within Viva Goals, users have several tools at their disposal to help create and understand goals better. Copilot uses a conversational approach to help users with goal-setting techniques. Here’s a simpler breakdown:

  • Strategy Document Utilisation: Through the examination of strategic or planning documents, Copilot can propose suitable goals or OKRs. It’s noteworthy that Viva Goals refrains from retaining your documents or conversational prompts for any purpose. Further details on Microsoft’s usage of user data in relation to Copilot within Viva Goals are available.
  • Conversational Copilot Interface: In the planning phase, engaging with Copilot in Viva Goals can spark new goal ideas. Copilot suggestions are shaped by your organisation’s goal data, linked user profiles in Viva Goals, and any interactions with Copilot.
  • Objective Title Entry: Enter a title in natural language, then select Copilot in the New Objective dialogue. Then facilitates the easy generation of aspirational goals accompanied by measurable key results.
  • Key Result Generation for Existing Goals: By choosing to generate key results with Copilot under the “Add child items” menu, Copilot in Viva Goals is adept at generating potential key results for the pertinent objective.
  • Goal Summarisation: Copilot in Viva Goals enables access to goal summaries, covering both team goals and OKR collections. Summaries of their teams’ advancements can be effortlessly generated by team managers and department leaders. You can share these summaries as updates, use them to prepare for review meetings, or as objective check-ins.


Beyond Setting Goals

To put it simply, Microsoft Copilot in Viva Goals is quite the game-changer in the world of goal setting and achievements.

It cleverly uses AI to transform the traditional way organisations approach their objectives. Copilot pulls goals straight out of your existing documents or spreadsheets, and watching as they align with your big-picture strategy. All of this without breaking a sweat is nothing short of incredible.

With Copilot in Viva Goals lighting the way, organisations are finding themselves not just planning their futures but actively creating them, bringing aspirations to life with an efficiency and clarity we’ve never seen before. It’s an invitation to break free from the old ways of doing things and step into a world where goals are not only set but achieved with confidence and flair.

We heartily encourage both organisations to explore the vast potential that Microsoft Copilot in Viva Goals has to offer. By doing so, you’re not just elevating your approach to setting goals; you’re taking a definitive step towards making your strategic visions a tangible reality. It’s an opportunity to transform the way you work, turning aspirations into achievements with the power of AI at your fingertips.

Dive into the future with Copilot in Viva Goals – where your goals aren’t just dreams, but the beginning of your next big achievement. If you would like to know anymore about Viva Goals and Copilot, please do not hesitate. Schedule a call with us. Press the Green ‘Contact’ button on the right of the screen to do this.


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