At a time when digital efficiency and security are paramount, a prominent Financial Organisation embarked on a transformative journey. The initial landscape was a mosaic of tools and services, pieced together through immediate business needs. This setup, functional yet far from optimal, clearly highlighted the need for improvements in document management processes and security postures.

The Catalyst for Change

The decision to transition towards Microsoft 365 was not taken lightly but driven by the compelling need to streamline digital services and enhance collaboration across the organisation. The pre-existing digital environment, characterised by SharePoint on-premise and assorted, non-approved solutions, was ripe for an overhaul. SharePoint Online, with its promise of improved productivity and security, became the natural successor.

The move towards Microsoft 365 represented more than a technological upgrade; it was a strategic decision aligned with the organisation’s broader business aims. The goal was clear: to consolidate digital services and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. This digital transformation was seen as a critical step in achieving these aims, marking the beginning of a new chapter in efficiency and security.

A Tailored Approach to Change

Understanding the unique challenges of organisational change, the organisation sought a partner well-versed in the nuances of change management. The collaboration with Changing Social was rooted in the recognition that technology alone is not enough. Success would be measured by the tangible benefits realised through the effective use of new tools by employees.

The partnership’s initial remit was ambitious, aiming to mature the use of SharePoint Online and inspire new ways of working. Over time, this remit evolved to include coaching on governance, support for automations, and a focus on quick wins that could demonstrate the immediate value of SharePoint Online.

Key stakeholders, including business end users and champions, were engaged through discovery workshops. These sessions were instrumental in shaping the strategy, ensuring it resonated with the real-world needs of the organisation. The strategy was crafted to not just meet but exceed expectations, driving value at every turn.

Overcoming Challenges

The journey was not without its challenges. The shift towards external collaboration required careful navigation of security concerns and governance. However, these obstacles were overcome through targeted communications and the demonstration of tangible benefits, showcasing the potential of effective collaboration.

Realising the Benefits

Despite being early in its digital transformation journey, the organisation has already begun to see the fruits of its labour. The consolidation of technologies and the strategic use of Microsoft 365 tools have paved the way for significant cost savings and efficiencies. Moreover, the programme has underscored the importance of controlling technology adoption across the business.

A Testament to Success

Feedback from users within the organisation has been overwhelmingly positive. The ‘Art of the Possible’ sessions, in particular, have opened eyes to the potential of SharePoint Online and Power Automate, sparking excitement about the possibilities for process improvement and innovation.

The project has provided valuable lessons for both the organisation and Changing Social. The importance of early engagement and the need for a proactive approach to governance and control were among the key takeaways. Looking ahead, the role of Microsoft 365 within the organisation is expected to grow, with further functionalities and integrations on the horizon.

To maintain and enhance the achievements of the digital transformation, strategic initiatives and investments are planned. These will support the continued use of SharePoint Online and explore opportunities for further integration within the organisation’s digital ecosystem.

The collaboration between the organisation and Changing Social has been marked by mutual respect and a shared commitment to delivering value. The success of the project is a testament to this partnership, setting a strong foundation for future endeavours.


The journey of this organisation towards digital transformation with Microsoft 365 is a compelling case study in strategic change. Through careful planning, collaboration, and a focus on user adoption, the organisation has set itself on a path towards enhanced efficiency, security, and innovation.

The partnership with Changing Social has been instrumental in this journey, providing the expertise and support needed to realise the full potential of digital transformation.

As the organisation continues to navigate the evolving digital landscape, the lessons learned and successes achieved will undoubtedly serve as a guiding light for future initiatives.